Solution focused coaching
Coaching has become a modern, but especially effective way of developing managers and employees of companies. Solution Focused Coaching is an effective and proven tool that will quickly help you and your employees to make the desired changes in various areas of professional or personal life.
Although, many people are involved in coaching, only some of them have professional experience and rich managerial experience, which entitles them to sit in front of an experienced owner, manager or expert and coach them from the position of an equal partner.
The advantage of Solution Focused Coaching is time-saving. The meeting between the coach and the coached employee usually lasts up to 2 hours. Coaching can be easily combined with work activities and a program.
Who is coaching for?
- Coaching the client personally: owners, managers, directors, managers and all people who are important to your company.
- Coaching of a selected person from the company: employees whose decisions significantly affect the operation of the company - either in terms of achieving goals and results, or in terms of impact on other colleagues and their impact on corporate culture. The topic is chosen by the employees themselves or by you as the contracting authority.
In what situations is coaching most beneficial for companies?
- When you need to increase the use of a coached person's potential (you see that your people have more than they realize, or are aware of and still they don't advance),
- during transformation processes in the company (people are stuck in old habits and believes, defying change),
- when you need to achieve a deeper transformational change in a person's behaviour, attitudes or opinions,
- in the decision-making dilemmas that life brings,
- when a person or company is stuck in a "dead end",
- to promote creativity and vision,
- for individual development needs (stress management, communication with the team or colleagues, conflict resolution),
- when it is necessary to help the employee as a person (bringing private matter to work, or excessive impact of work issues to private life, in various borderline life situations),
- preparation for group development programs and trainings (if people's attitudes halts their own development),
- as support for development and training programs (when people already know what and how to do, they even trained that, but their own attitudes is slowing them down),
- in the current situation on the labour market, in the absence of qualified employees, it is a manifestation of remuneration and personal care for employees (stabilization of your key people).
What results can you expect from coaching?
- It will bring the most lasting changes (long-lasting to lifelong),
- support the taking of responsibility (commitment),
- teach self-sufficiency and independence in decision-making,
- strengthens self-confidence and healthy self-esteem,
- maximizes the use of human potential,
- contributes to a positive attitude: it looks for useful solutions, not obstacles and problems,
- encourages creativity,
- provides a view of situations from different angles,
- will find the best solutions to your situation.
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